Portable Pulse-Demand™ Oxygen Systems
All cylinders must be shipped empty to meet DOT- HAZMAT requirements.
The patented MH Pulse-Demand™ Electronic Delivery System (EDS) is designed to deliver aviation oxygen in the most efficient and convenient manner possible. With its user-selectable settings, apnea alarm and small size, the EDS is the most flexible portable digital electronic oxygen delivery system in the world.
Two EDS models fit most common needs for a portable oxygen system. The flagship EDS O2D2 device provides oxygen for either one or two users in a single compact unit, while the EDS O2D1 is the single-user “little brother” of the O2D2. The primary difference between the two models is the second-user capability of the O2D2, but otherwise the performance, features, operation and limitations of the O2D1 and O2D2 are essentially identical. This manual describes both models in generic terms, only referring to the O2D1 or O2D2 models when a notable difference exists.
For example …
O2D2: When the O2D2 is used in single-place mode it has basically the same oxygen consumption and battery duration as the O2D1. Since oxygen consumption and battery duration information in this manual is presented on a “per-person” basis, this means that when the O2D2 is used with 2 people, oxygen consumption will be roughly double, and battery duration roughly half the indicated values.
O2D2: The O2D2 has 2 unique features distinct from the O2D1 which are the option for external power input and audio output. The EDS unit supplies the oxygen you need to stay alert and comfortable while flying by providing a measured pulse of oxygen at the beginning of each inhalation. In contrast to constant-flow systems that deliver more oxygen than the body needs, the MH EDS provides oxygen only when you inhale. This patented delivery technology ensures that you stay safe and comfortable by delivering the proper amount of oxygen based on your pressure altitude and breathing rate. The efficiency of this method provides a dramatic increase in cylinder duration, which enables you to enjoy the benefits of oxygen use below the mandated altitude. This means fewer headaches, less fatigue and increased alertness when flying at night or for long distances. It also enables you to save weight and space with a smaller cylinder, and fly longer between refills!
Unlike constant-flow oxygen systems, the MH EDS features “set and forget” operation and can be set to begin providing oxygen either immediately, or above a specified altitude. Oxygen flow is automatically adjusted according to your pressure altitude. When you’re flying, you have more important things to do than adjust your oxygen flow during altitude changes.
Looking for a great deal? We have some refurbished units.
Click on link below.
Questions about maintenance? Take a look at our EDS Maintenance FAQ:
Maintenance Questions for O2D1 & O2D2 PULSE DEMAND™ Portable Systems
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