EDS O2D1 & O2D2 Maintenance Program FAQ
EDS O2D1 & O2D2 Maintenance Program FAQ
Q. I have one of your portable MH-EDS PULSE-DEMAND™ units. It seems to be operating just fine, should I send it in for any type of routine service or testing?
A. …

MHTSB 2022-01 for (ip) system Emergency Switch
It has come to our attention that under some circumstances the 2ip & 4ip Emergency Bypass oxygen circuit, once enabled, may not shut off again properly and oxygen will continue to flow after the control switch has been returned to the "OFF"…

EDS O2D1 & O2D2 Notice
EDS O2D1 & O2D2 Notice
To provide our customers with the finest product, we suggest all customers send in their EDS units and pressure regulators for regular maintenance.
Service Your EDS (and Regulators) Every Two Years
Even though your…