OSTIV Prize Awarded to Patrick L. McLaughlin
Congratulations to Mountain High's founder Patrick McLaughlin who, in August of 2024, received the OSTIV Prize for his work developing and commercializing EDS Pulse-demand™ technology. The OSTIV Prize is awarded to a person for outstanding…

Aviation Oxygen is a Game Changer
We really couldn't have said it better ourselves:

A Breath of Fresh Air by Don Abbott
We loved what Don Abbott had to say about flying with oxygen at the American Bonanza Society. This was just a snippet of Mr. Abbott's in-depth look into the benefits of flying with oxygen:
Because I can fly longer between O2 refills with the…

Oxygen is Only for Wimps, Right?
For decades serious mountaineers have been climbing Everest without supplemental oxygen, so we certainly don’t need it. Those guys climb to 29K, so we should be fine up to 18K. A few weeks ago the top of lift was predicted to be 15K all over…

Many thanks to Aerokurier magazine and Gerhard Marzinzik, the author of the article "Breathless," for their permission to translate and publish this article that appeared in their 3/97 issue. The EDS model A-1 was reviewed in the article.

The Pilot’s Atmosphere
A Pilot's Need to Understand Oxygen
Many of today's home-built aircraft capable of transporting man to high altitudes in near record time, with the average age of the pilot base at well over 50 years old, a practical knowledge of physiological…

You placed a great deal of emphasis on the quality and integrity of your equipment and flying skills. Now it's time to put emphasis on the integrity of the most important, yet weakest, link in your system, . . yourself. While you are piloting…

A Breath Of Fresh Air by Billy Hill
For those of us who fly the azure skies of New Mexico where even a a "ho-hum" soaring day can produce lift to altitudes in excess of 12,500 feet MSL, supplemental oxygen is a must.
I have many not-so-fond memories of using my military surplus…