
What Can You Tell Me About Cylinder Hydro Testing?

What can you tell me about cylinder hydro testing?

All DOT-approved pressure cylinders require testing at regular intervals. This is to ensure that no unsafe condition exists that would preclude it from performing to its next inspection interval. Most of the times this can be performed locally by major gas suppliers that distribute welding and breathing gasses. If one can not be found we can have that service performed for you.

Below is a PDF that should answer most of the questions that you might have as well as help identify the testing interval for your cylinder.

Hydro Testing of Aviation Cylinders
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That helps, but how do I read my cylinder marking to determine the test date?

The manufacture and test dates are located stamped at the crown of the cylinder if it is Steel or Aluminum. If the cylinder is of composite material then it would be located on the identification tag.

The PDF below illustrates how to read the stampings.

Oxygen Cylinder Markings
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